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4 min read
What exactly are men searching for? Economist Seth Stephens-Davidowitz sought to answer this question. His results, published in the New York Times on January 24, 2015, say a lot about men, our insecurities, and the companies and products that promise to provide quick and often absurd fixes. The fact is, there are no “easy answers,” but there are all-natural ways to improve our bodies, our penile function, and our sexual self-confidence.
According to Stephens-Davidowitz, men "Google" more questions about their penises than any other body part. For every 100 questions about their genitals, there are 67 for the heart, 57 for the eyes and 40 for the head. One of the most commonly Googled subjects pertains to how to make one’s penis bigger, which seems to be primarily a male concern as opposed to a female concern. For every search women make regarding penis size, men make 170 searches. Of the top 10 questions about "my penis", nine involve size, the first and second being “how to make my penis bigger” and “how to make my penis longer” respectively.
Interestingly, women have nearly as many concerns about their vaginas as men do about their penises. They want to know how to shave it, tighten it and make it taste and smell better. Stephens-Davidowitz concludes: “We are all so busy judging our own bodies that there is little energy left over to judge other people’s, and that maybe if we worried less about sex, we’d have more of it.”
Everyday I receive dozens of spam messages in my email inbox advertising “male enhancement” herbal supplements that claim to increase penis size. Additionally, not an office hour session goes by in my urology practice when I don’t have at least several patients ask me about these products or bring in a print ad to ask my opinion.
The Internet is overrun with male “sexual enhancement” products that claim not to improve one’s sexual function but to increase the size of one’s penis. They are capitalizing on male insecurity regarding penis size, which has created a huge market for these products, with hordes of consumers willing to pay top dollar for claims that are misleading and underhanded.
Although the FDA does not have the jurisdiction and regulatory powers over “natural” and “herbal” supplements that they have over prescription medications, they have still managed to restrain these unscrupulous companies. According to physicians and federal experts, these products with claims that they can enlarge one’s penis are not only deceptive, but also potentially dangerous.
The FDA has issued numerous public warning notifications in an effort to curb the sale of these often-tainted products and supplements. They have notified consumers that many of the products contain sildenafil, a.k.a. Viagra. The unknowing consumption of sildenafil can pose major health risks including precipitous drops in blood pressure in men on medicine of the nitrate class, which are commonly used for many cardiac conditions.
Okay gentleman, let’s do a reality check. No herbal supplement will make your penis bigger. It is absurd. If it was true, don’t you think that the major multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical companies would control this market? A pill that enlarges your penis? It would be as big or bigger than Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra. Of course, no pun intended here. But men want to believe it and will pay for it, and a lot. But why? Because men are searching for answers - easy answers to perceived insecurities, just as Stephens-Davidowitz’s research concluded.
While there are no easy answers, there are things you can do to improve your body and sexual self-confidence safely and naturally.
Your penis needs to be utilized the way nature intended. Erections keep the muscles and tissues of your penis smooth, richly oxygenated, elastic and functioning well. Sexual intercourse on a regular basis protects against ED.
A healthy diet, keeping your weight down, staying fit through balanced exercise (cardio, resistance, core, stretching), avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol, and managing stress plays a part as well.
This is quite possibly one of the most important areas of the body that men know almost nothing about. Your penis is controlled by a series of complex muscles, known as the pelvic muscles - the same muscles that women have been exercising for decades (also known as “Kegel” exercises). Strengthen these muscles and you can achieve harder erections, reduce premature ejaculation, and improve sexual performance and self-confidence.
Andrew Siegel, M.D., Urologist, Co-founder of The Private Gym, and author of the highly acclaimed book, Male Pelvic Fitness, Optimizing Your Sexual and Urinary Health.
The Private Gym Program is the first FDA-registered pelvic muscle training system for men. In a four-month clinical trial, 75% of men improved erectile rigidity and 90% reported great improvement in their sexual self-confidence. Learn more about how you can strengthen and maintain these critical muscles at
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