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Natural Ways For Men To Amplify Sex Life And Libido

8 min read
Natural Ways to Amplify Sex Life

8 min read

Healthy sex life and sex drive go hand in hand. Men with low libido will feel a lack of sex drive while those with a high libido will experience increased sexual desire. While sometimes the desire for sexual intercourse can feel constant, libido typically goes up or down over time within an acceptable range.

Until that time comes when your sex drive takes a dive. Yes, you're still attracted to your partner, but the desire just isn't there. In many cases, this is a normal lull, a way your body protects you from too much of a good thing. But what to do when your libido flatlines and doesn't show any signs of recovery?

Some men might be tempted to turn to medical interventions, but put down the pills for a moment. You can increase sexual desire, sexual satisfaction, and libido naturally in a way that doesn't require you to take a shot or fill a prescription.

Libido & Sexual Desire: The Facts

Simply put, libido is your sexual interest and drive: how often and intensely a person feels like having sex. And we do mean "person." Women have libidos with the same ups and downs as men.

According to her comprehensive paper on the subject published in 2001 in the Maturitas journal, Alessandra Graziottin defines libido as that "mental state you have prior to involvement in sexual activity." In other words, it's a crucial element of your sex life because it's where everything starts.

Although we've been talking about high and low levels of sex drive, science doesn't actually define a conventional range. For one, libido is highly subjective. We all experience sexual desire differently. What you consider a highly active sex drive might be a low-burn sex drive for another man.

Even for a single individual, healthy sex drive and normal libido levels vary significantly over a lifetime. They're also different over the course of a single relationship.

What Drives Your Libido In The Wrong Direction?

What Drives Your Libido In the Wrong Direction

A next-to-nonexistent sex drive can spell tragedy for your sex life. But what exactly contributes to a low sex drive?

Here are some leading factors:

  • age
  • anxiety
  • stress
  • relationship difficulties
  • low sex hormone (testosterone) levels. A piece in Harvard Men's Health Watch states that men can lose about half normal testosterone levels by age 50
  • poor quality sleep
  • depression
  • and ironically, medications that treat this condition, like antidepressants
  • erectile dysfunction
  • leading a sedentary lifestyle, i.e. one without regular exercise
  • in women, menopause plays a significant role in reducing sex drive

If your sexual health is affected by any or a combination of the above factors, have no fear, we've rounded up a healthy selection of natural treatments and remedies you can use to improve sexual drive and performance.

Effective Natural Ways To Boost Your Sex Drive

If your sex life and health are suffering because of low sex drive, you need to first make sure that it isn't the result of a more serious medical condition. Seek reliable health information from your doctor to ensure that your general body health and wellness aren't affecting matters below your belt.

If there aren't any underlying conditions that could be causing your low libido, it's time to consider natural remedies, medically reviewed supplements, and lifestyle changes.

Keep The Spark Alive

Keep The Spark Alive

Sometimes, you might experience low libido because you've been in a relationship for a long time. This in itself isn't a bad thing, of course. But sometimes the flame of romance flickers in the winds of time.

Try reigniting your desire for each other, lighting a fire under your sex life to increase desire in you and your partner. Date nights are an old stand-by. As the years go by, we can forget to incorporate intimate experiences into our lives to keep the flames burning. Adding back a little spice can rewind the clock on your desire for your partner.

Speaking of spice, foreplay is an excellent way to improve your sexual experience. Oral sex? Yes. Adult toys? Absolutely. If both partners find something that works for them, it can increase anticipation for subsequent sexual encounters.

How about trying natural aphrodisiacs such as chocolate or oysters? The latter contain zinc, a mineral the body uses to produce testosterone. Try eating these foods together with your partner for added sexual chemistry!

Speaking of food...

Make Use Of Natural Herbs And Remedies

Make Use of Natural Herbs and Remedies

While working on your relationships is always a great first step, sometimes your sex drive might benefit from a little push from natural remedies. Local health food stores and supplementsavailable online are your friends here.

According to a review of natural aphrodisiacs published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, several civilizations have found similar cures for low sex drive in both men and women, centering on certain foods and herbs that can be eaten alone or as supplements to your diet.

Some natural remedies for low sexual desire:

Maca root

Stories out of South America have long touted the maca root as a potent relief for low libido and sexual dysfunction. Several animal studies seem to corroborate this. Human clinical trials show that maca root can also reverse the low sex drive caused by antidepressant medication.

Yohimbe bark

Extracts from this bark have been used by African peoples to improve sexual function. A 2014 study by Corazza et al. indicates that the yohimbine in the extract controls central sexual impulse. Unsurprisingly, this plant's active ingredient is present in several artificial libido boosters on the market.

Gingko Biloba

This herb is a staple of Chinese traditional medicine and is used in several formulations for increasing sex drive. Research published in Archives of Sexual Behavior in 2008 posits that the extract improves nitric oxide (NO) function and blood flow - two essential features of optimal male sexual function. Speaking of NO, some virility products contain L-arginine, an amino acid that generates nitric oxide in the body.


Apart from being an excellent food flavor for your ice cream, pistachios can play an important role in your sexual health. In the International Journal of Impotence Research, Aldemir et al. point out that including these nuts in the diet improved erectile function in men.


This South Asian plant spice has long been used for a host of health and medicinal purposes, including giving a boost to sexual health. Fenugreek extract research published in the International Journal of Medical Sciences showed tangible results in resolving sexual dysfunction through increased testosterone levels and healthier sperm cells.

Get Adequate Hours Of Quality Sleep

Getting Adequate Hours of Quality Sleep

Getting sufficient amounts of quality sleep is vital for the promotion of healthy sexual satisfaction, genital response, and overall sexual health. This applies to both men and to the female sexual response, according to studies by academic research institutions and the journal of sexual medicine.

No big surprise here, but spending countless hours tossing and turning in bed leads to lower sexual desire. You need to get ample sleep to both relieve stress and get your energy up. Not only will this improve your overall health, but it'll also boost your sex drive.

Engage In More Exercise

Engage in More Exercise

Sexual performance and desire are locked in a vicious cycle. If you can't perform in bed, you're more likely to lack the motivation to engage in intercourse. Lack enthusiasm, and you won't perform satisfactorily.

To develop a more vital all-around sexual impulse, you need to improve your bedroom capabilities. One natural and effective way of doing so is to regularly engage in moderate to intense physical exercise.

Exercise aids healthy blood pressure levels, which are the key to achieving optimal, functioning erections. A trustworthy erection is one of the easiest ways to enjoy sex and look forward to it more, knowing that you can show up and show off in bed.

Exercise also improves your self-esteem by alleviating body image concerns. All this goes back to improving your sex drive.

Cut Back On The Drinking And Smoking

Cut Back on the Drinking and Smoking

If you're out on a date, chances are you're lubricating the conversation with some wine. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, the lowered inhibitions that come with alcohol consumption help us get to know our prospective partners better.

However, too much alcohol is a surefire way to misfire in the bedroom. Not only will you find it more challenging to get hard, but you'll also have a hard time achieving orgasm.

Therefore, drink in moderation and keep your sexual desire intact.

The same applies when it comes to smoking. Smoking can be a bonding activity between potential mates. However, it poses significant health risks that negatively affect your sex life.

In women, it affects lubrication, making intercourse unpleasant. In men, smoking affects heart health, which in turn negatively affects proper sexual function.

Practice Mindfulness

Practice Mindfulness

When you're stressed, you'll find it more difficult to have an enjoyable sex life. This is because your mind focuses on other pressing matters, preventing you from being in the present where you can enjoy your sexual experiences.

Additionally, stress saps significant amounts of energy from your body, leaving little to power your sexual desire.

Meditation and other mindfulness exercises are effectively good at eliminating stress from your body. Do yoga to relax, or go for mindful walks, tai chi, or massages.

Eat A Balanced, Nutritious, Healthy Diet

Eat a Balanced, Nutritious, Healthy Diet

When you eat a nutritious diet, you reduce your risk of developing metabolic syndrome. This is a group of risk factors that cause heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke. All these health conditions affect sexual function.

Avoid ingesting too many fizzy drinks and fatty foods. The former contain too much sugar that plays a role in type 2 diabetes development. The latter increases the amount of bad cholesterol in your blood.

Remember, anything that's bad for your heart is bad for the proper functioning of your penis.

Make your sex life healthier with food like carrots, tomatoes, fish, watermelons, and saffron. These foods contain different compounds that amplify your libido.

Seek A Sex Therapist

Seek a Sex Therapist

Sometimes healthy lifestyle changes aren't enough to significantly improve sexual pleasure and boost your libido. A person's sex drive is beholden to their own biology and psychology. For help with the latter, try sex therapy.

A therapist can help you to identify issues causing your low libido. Therapy can be particularly effective when the underlying causes are mental, like depression and anxiety.

Alternatively, try going to therapy as a couple. An expert can give you tasks to improve communication and other ways you interact with your spouse.

In a study run at the University of British Columbia, sex therapy and mindfulness were combined in a program to help a group of women. After four sessions of mindful intervention, the women reported improved sexual arousal, desire, and satisfaction.

We can draw some parallels and confidently say that similar interventions can work on men and their mates.

When To See A Doctor

When To See A Doctor

While combinations of aphrodisiacs and natural herbs can help you solve some bedroom problems, persistent issues might require advice from your doctor. Physicians can provide insight into the underlying health problems that manifest as low libido.

Seek treatment from medical professionals:

  • if the above natural strategies are ineffective. This is especially common in females who have hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSSD).
  • if your relationship starts to deteriorate quickly.
  • if feel strong urges to use ED pills to kickstart your sex drive.
  • if the lack of sexual desire and pleasure significantly affects your day-to-day life.

*This article is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a substitute for or provide medical advice or treatment. Please consult your urologist, physician, or health care provider if you have more questions about this topic.