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Kegel Exercise Program for Men

How to Manage Erectile Dysfunction Without Prescription Drugs

8 min read
happy man and woman viewed from shoulders up in white bed with while background

8 min read

Thirty million men suffer with erectile dysfunction in the USA. With longevity on the rise, more and more men are going to emerge with sexual issues. Traditional ED treatments focus on increasing blood flow to the penis, which is essential to erectile function. However, other vital contributing factors include the roles of the nervous system and the pelvic floor muscles, which can now be accessed to our advantage, thanks to emerging technologies.


Most conventional forms of management of ED focus on enhancing penile blood flow. This can be achieved via a variety of pharmaceuticals-- oral ED medications (Viagra, Levitra, Cialis, Stendra), penile urethral suppositories (M.U.S.E.--alprostadil) and penile injection therapy (Caverject, Edex, Bimix, Trimix, etc.). The vacuum suction device is a mechanical means of filling the penis with blood, using a manual or battery-powered vacuum. The negative pressure engorges the penis with blood. Meanwhile a constriction ring placed around the base of the penis maintains the erection by trapping the blood.

Despite the conventional emphasis on manipulating blood flow to the penis to manage ED, it is important to understand that erections are more than simply a vascular (blood flow) event. Obtaining and maintaining an erection is a nerve-blood vessel-muscle event, depending upon properly functioning nerves that provide feeling and muscle contraction, spinal cord and brain function; artery and vein blood supply to the penis; and erectile smooth muscle within the penis and erectile skeletal muscles surrounding the roots of the penis. In addition to nerves, blood vessels and muscles being essential to the process, additional influencing factors are the hormones and the psycho-emotional state of the individual. All elements are integrated and provide the functional basis for an erection.


Obtaining and maintaining a rigid erection results from a complex interplay of the following elements within the human body:

Nerves: When the penis is stimulated by touch, sensory nerves (dorsal nerve and perineal nerve, which join up to form the pudendal nerve) relay this information to spinal cord centers, which reflexively (via the cavernous nerves) relay the message to increase blood flow to the penile arteries, resulting in the penis engorging with blood.

Tactile stimulation of the penis is also conveyed directly to the brain, enhancing this reflex response. Brain-induced erotic stimulation (visual cues, sounds, smells, touch, thoughts, memories, etc.) leads to further stimulation of the penis via cavernous nerve stimulation from excitatory pathways that descend from the brain. The bulbo-cavernosus reflex is an important reflex in terms of initiating and maintaining an erection (governed by sensory and motor branches of the pudendal nerve): with stimulation of the head of the penis, there is a reflex contraction of the pelvic floor muscles that causes more blood to be pushed into the penis.

Blood vessels: The cavernous nerve stimulation causes the arteries to the penis and those within the vascular sinuses of the penis to substantially increase blood flow.

Smooth muscle: The erectile smooth muscle within the sinuses relaxes to allow filling of the sinuses with blood. Veins that drain the sinuses are occluded, trapping blood within the sinuses. This smooth muscle relaxation results in penile blood pressure becoming equal with systolic blood pressure. It also results in an engorged penis that is plump but not rigid.

Skeletal muscle: There is no bone in the human penis as there is in many mammals, so nature has evolved a brilliant trick to generate erectile rigidity—the use of readily available blood as a pressure medium under sky-high pressures. To achieve maximal penile rigidity, penile blood pressure must exceed systolic pressure by 100 mm of mercury. This means a penile blood pressure in excess of 220 mm must be achieved for the average man. The penis is the only place in the body where high blood pressure is desirable and necessary for proper function! A hypertensive penis is an erect penis and a happy penis! This explains why blood pressure pills are the most associated medications with ED.

How exactly does one achieve a hypertensive penis? This is where the “rigidity” muscles come into play. The ischiocavernosus and bulbocavernosus pelvic floor muscles surround the deep roots of the penis. In response to penile stimulation via the bulbocavernosus reflex, these muscles contract rhythmically, clamping venous outflow and squeezing the deep roots of the penis. This pushes more blood into the erect penis, resulting in penile high blood pressure and full-fledged rigidity. Without the rigidity muscles, the penis would be engorged, but not rigid.

Hormones: Testosterone is “male rocket fuel.” A normal level of testosterone is important in terms of both sex drive and the facilitation of erections, although it is possible to obtain erections even in the face of low testosterone levels.

Psycho-emotional factors: Psychological and emotional status has a significant effect on erectile function. Mood, stress levels, interpersonal and relationship issues, etc.—acting via the mind-body connection and the release of a “cocktail” of neurochemicals—can influence erectile function for better or worse. Stress, for example, induces the adrenal glands to release a surge of adrenaline. Adrenaline constricts blood vessels, which has a negative effect on erections. This is the basis for the common occurrence of adrenaline-fueled performance anxiety.


Medications undoubtedly can be very helpful for ED. On the plus side, pills are easy to swallow. However they are also expensive and are increasingly linked to having adverse side effects. There are a number of clinical situations in which they cannot even be used. Other issues are the lack of spontaneity and their need for chronic use. 

Vacuum suction devices do not permit rigidity of the roots of the penis and therefore cause a pivoting and unstable erection. The skin of the penis can become cool and dusky because of the constriction ring, which can be uncomfortable and impede ejaculation. As of July 1, 2015, the vacuum device and accompanying tension ring were statutorily excluded from Medicare coverage, and thus not payable when billed to Medicare. Since the vacuum suction device is no longer covered by Medicare it has become a costly alternative.

These treatments that deal only with the blood flow component of erections neglect the important contributions of nerve stimulation and the “rigidity” muscles.


An alternative strategy is to focus on nerve stimulation and the rigidity muscles. Vibratory genital stimulation has been used successfully for many years to enhance sexual response and induce climax in females, so why should it be any different for the male gender? Vibrators applied to the penis have traditionally been used for the treatment of spinal cord injured patients who cannot ejaculate, but wish to father children. The use of vibratory genital stimulation has recently been expanded to ED, impaired rigidity, sexual dysfunction after radical prostatectomy and orgasmic/ejaculation issues.


The Viberect X2 and Viberect X3 are FDA-certified hand-held penile vibratory stimulation device useful for triggering erection and ejaculation. It provides simultaneous stimulation of the genital nerves at both the dorsal (top) and ventral (bottom) surfaces of the penis. Penile vibratory stimulation stimulates the reflex between the penis and the spinal cord (pudendal-cavernosal reflex), resulting in tumescence (gradual filling of the penis with arterial blood). Penile vibratory stimulation of the head of the penis also contributes to erectile rigidity via inducing rhythmic contractions of the ischiocavernosus and bulbocavernosus via the bulbocavernosus reflex. By enhancing the bulbocavernosus reflex and triggering neural activity in the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves, it provokes erection and ultimately, ejaculation.


Pelvic floor muscle training, which has also been used successfully for years in females, is capable of optimizing function of the male “rigidity” pelvic floor muscles. The Private Gym program (Adult Fitness Concepts, Inc.) is the go-to means of increasing pelvic floor muscle strength, tone, power, and endurance. It is a comprehensive, interactive, easy-to-use, medically sanctioned and FDA-registered follow-along exercise program that builds upon the foundational work of Dr. Arnold Kegel. It is the first program of its kind designed specifically to teach men how to perform the exercises. A clinical trial has demonstrated its effectiveness in fostering more rigid and durable erections, improved ejaculatory control and heightened orgasms. The Basic Training program strengthens the pelvic floor muscles with a series of progressive “Kegel” exercises, while the Complete Training program provides maximum opportunity for gains via resistance equipment.

Both the Viberect and the Private Gym are unique sexual management tools—approaches that go beyond the conventional blood flow enhancement treatments of ED—that work on different aspects of the many facets of erectile physiology. Combining use of the Viberect and the Private Gym is a partnership with great harmony and synergy that works on both the initiation of erection via Viberect’s ability to stimulate neurovascular cavernous reactivity as well as the maintenance of erection via Private Gym’s ability to enhance venous occlusion, penile blood pressure and durability of erectile rigidity. Using the Viberect – Private Gym combination does not in any way preclude using additional therapies such as the aforementioned medications and vacuum suction device. Both Viberect and Private Gym are safe, non-invasive, sustainable and cost-effective treatments.


Having your prostate removed is an effective means of curing prostate cancer. Unfortunately, because of the prostate’s “precarious” location - at the crossroads of the urinary and genital tracts, connected to the bladder on one end, the urethra on the other, touching upon the rectum, and nestled behind the pubic bone in a well-protected nook of the body - its removal has the potential for causing unwanted and undesirable side effects. Oftentimes, urologists are more focused on removing the prostate cancer (and saving the patient’s life) than spending time educating patients on how to minimize the negative effects of the surgery. Prior to and after radical prostatectomy, by using the combination of nerve stimulation in conjunction with strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, the negative side effects can be greatly reduced.

It can take several years to recover maximal sexual function after radical prostatectomy. Post-prostatectomy ED seems to be on the basis of many factors including trauma to nerves, blood vessels, and muscular tissue, which can compromise sexual function (and urinary control). The poor tissue oxygenation that results from the penis being flaccid for long periods of time can cause loss of erectile smooth muscle function, scarring and venous leakage (a condition in which there is rapid loss of an erection as blood is not properly trapped within).


Penile “rehab” is commonly employed to get the blood flowing and maintain penile tissue oxygenation and elasticity, expediting erectile recovery. Treatment modalities that have been used for rehab include oral medications, urethral suppositories, penile injections and the vacuum suction device.

The partnership of Viberect neural stimulation and Private Gym pelvic muscle training are a welcome addition to the penile “rehab” regimen. Viberect stimulates the nerves that help induce an erection, while Private Gym strengthens the muscle system that powers, supports, and controls erectile rigidity. This combined treatment provides a safe, non-invasive, all-natural solution with no side effects, while not precluding use of traditional ED management.


Additionally, using the Viberect and Private Gym together before and after prostate surgery can have a significant positive psychological impact on the patient. Once diagnosed with prostate cancer, men often have anywhere from four to eight weeks before surgery. This period of waiting and worrying about the upcoming surgery is often a very emotional and psychologically disruptive time. The same is true during the recovery process. Using Private Gym and Viberect enables patients to take an active role in preparing for surgery as well as facilitating recovery in the post-operative period, empowering them throughout the process. 

About the Author

Andrew Siegel, M.D., Urologist, Co-founder of The Private Gym, and author of the highly acclaimed book, Male Pelvic Fitness, Optimizing Your Sexual and Urinary Health.

The Private Gym Program is the first FDA-registered pelvic muscle training system for men. In a four-month clinical trial, 75% of men improved erectile rigidity and 90% reported great improvement in their sexual self-confidence. Learn more about how you can strengthen and maintain these critical muscles at The Private Gym for Men.